Congratulations to Tewi and Jerome for completing the CareerFit (NCEA Level 2) Course

We have finally returned from lockdown and its great to see our students again.

For these two guys it was very brief however as Tewi and Jerome have just completed their Career Fit Level 2 program first week back on site. Its been great to have these two around and witness their journey.

Tewi is moving on to a level 3 sport and fitness program and says “I feel like EmployNZ set me on a good pathway and helped me achieve my goal”

Jerome said of his Tutors “Very helpful. They can guide you to help reach your goals.” Jerome is looking forward to turning 17 when he plans to join the army.

Good work guys!

If you need to complete NCEA 1 and 2 and want to learn some great vocational skills along the way in supportive learning environment, call 0800 002 159 or email