About Us
About EmployNZ
EmployNZ helps people to pathway to employment through our courses, placement services, and the support services we offer.
We work with people who have left school with low or no qualifications, people looking for employment, people looking to access the Youth Service, and those who need English Language or Literacy courses.
We work with our students and clients so they can gain the desired skills, knowledge and the confidence to pathway onto higher level tertiary programmes or present themselves to employers for employment.
We provide the opportunity to acquire NCEA or other qualifications, certificates, licences or credentials recognised by industry to demonstrate that they have the capability to meet the demands of higher level courses or the jobs we will help them to get into, or support them in the jobs they have secured themselves.

Where We Come From
EmployNZ was established by people with a deep passion for creating positive change. Our expertise in the education and social service fields has seen our organisation flourish, and our leadership remains as passionate now as ever, led by the following whakatauki, ensuring our focus on the people we support is constantly centred and upheld:
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is people, it is people, it is people.
This focus drives us to constantly reflect on and review student and client achievement and pathways so we can celebrate the success and further support and improve how we can move towards equity and successful outcomes for all.
Learning from our past, so we can plan a better future for our staff, students and clients.
Our Vision
“Te Taumata Oranga – We Change Lives”
EmployNZ’s vision, Te Taumata Oranga is interwoven into the culture of our organisation, and embedded into our practice by our kaimahi, management and executive.
As an organisation we are driven by our vision and honouring the whakataukī and acknowledge that fulfilling this commitment requires extraordinary innovation, compassion and attention to detail from the whole organisation.
Our Organisation
EmployNZ Limited is a Private Training Establishment registered and accredited by New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) to provide education and training, pursuant to the Education Amendment Act 1989. EmployNZ Limited trading as EmployNZ.
EmployNZ was established in the year 2000 with the specific goal of providing high quality training services to the Bay of Plenty Region. Since then we have grown to be a multifaceted organisation with our Education and Social Services divisions catering to the different needs of the community.
We have education delivery sites in Tauranga (HQ), Mount Maunganui, Rotorua, Whakatane, Taupo, Henderson and Onehunga in Auckland, and provide training services throughout the North Island.
Our Social Services division provides Youth Services across the Bay from Katikati to Matata and also in the Taupo and Turangi area. EmployNZ also provides services and short courses for clients seeking employment skills and employment placement services.
Our core focus is on our students and clients and we ensure our training, services we offer and the qualifications they achieve are meet to their needs, are employer focused, and ultimately lead to pathways into employment. View our fees free courses.
EmployNZ is (and always has been) a Category One NZQA approved Education Provider.
Our Values
Here at EmployNZ we have four core values:
- Committed to making a difference
- Be Accountable
- Talk openly and honestly
- Focus on success
We’re here to provide a supportive learning environment which inspires our students and clients to achieve their educational and employment goals.
Our Philosophy
At EmployNZ we operate on a partnership philosophy with NZ Government agencies including;
- The Ministry of Social Development
- The Tertiary Education Commission
- The New Zealand Qualifications Authority
- Ara Poutama Aotearoa – Department of Corrections
We also work alongside our communities to provide our students and clients with quality, relevant and achievable training and development. We also work with local employers to identify opportunities for our clients to pathway into employment and assist our graduates to progress onto further training or into employment.
Quality and Continuous Improvement
EmployNZ has a continuous improvement and evaluation approach based on ongoing self-assessment where performance and processes are reviewed, outcomes analysed, changes implemented and actions reviewed to ensure processes and systems remain effective and relevant and continually improving the value to our students, clients and stakeholders.
The expectations of ‘quality’ programmes and services which provide value to the students, clients and wider community is achieved by focusing on learner engagement and achievement, the learning environment. We work with a range of stakeholders including secondary schools and kura, government agencies, whānau and community organisations to attract and refer people to EmployNZ and then support the learning and pathway placements into higher education or employment.
In the 2023 NZQA External Evaluation Report (EER) EmployNZ recieved the highest confidence statement from NZQA. Highly Confident in educational performance and Highly Confident in self assessment capability.
Wellbeing, Support, Achievement and Pathways
EmployNZ is committed to supporting the wellbeing and safety of our students. Along with other tertiary education Providers in New Zealand, we must ensure that we are compliant with the expectations set out in the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021. Our Quality Assurance Document, its polices and our teaching and support staff ensure that student wellbeing, achievement and pathways drives what we do and is the reason we exist. We ensure that we are connected to and supported by iwi and local wellbeing or social service organisations.