Congratulations to our Career Fit (NCEA Level 2) graduate- Sarah Hudson

As a serious Netballer, Sarah found the Career Fit (NCEA Level 2) course very suitable for her. She enjoyed the practical aspect of learning outside of the classroom and found her Tutors Nikki and Jock to be amazing and supportive people. She feels confident and all prepared for her next step as she has been offered a coaching apprenticeship and she believes she has gained a lot of skills through the course to back her up. Sarah had tried a lot of schooling options and had not found the right fit until she came to EmployNZ. She said it is a great way to gain NCEA level 2.

“I’ve tried a lot of options for school and EmployNZ is the first one that has made me feel like I have a purpose. I feel like I have really made a connection here and I don’t feel like I’m just a number”- Sarah Hudson, Career Fit (NCEA Level 2)