14 Frequently Asked Questions About Studying IT In New Zealand

Are you thinking about studying IT in New Zealand? Here are 14 frequently asked questions to help get you started.

Q 01: “What is an IT Technician?”

Traditionally, a “IT Technician” or a “Tech Support” handles a wide range of user issues with software and devices. 

IT Technicians diagnose, repair, and maintain hardware and software components to ensure the smooth running of computer systems. 

IT Technician responsibilities include installing and configuring computer hardware and being the primary point of contact for IT support within a company.

Examples of IT Technician responsibilities include:

  • Installing and configuring hardware and software components to ensure usability
  • Troubleshooting hardware and software issues
  • Repairing or replacing damaged hardware
  • Upgrading the entire system to enable compatible software on all computers
  • Providing support to users and being the first point of contact for error reporting.

Q 02: “How do I become an IT Technician?”

To enter an IT Support role, the EmployNZ Level 5 Technical Support Diploma is all you need. 

Most entry level positions start at the helpdesk. Those with higher qualifications (such as a Level 6 SysAdmin Diploma) are able to move up into more senior positions such as SysAdmin.

Many New Zealand IT Support companies prefer to promote from within for senior positions. So those with a Level 6 SysAdmin Diploma will be able to demonstrate additional skills and knowledge that make this transition faster.

Q 03: “What is a Sysadmin?”

“SysAdmin” is short for “Systems Administrator” (also called a network engineer).

A SysAdmin is an IT professional who sets up, maintains, and manages business-grade networks.

The sysadmin is responsible for providing IT tools in a way that optimises efficiency, availability, and security within the resources available for a companies users.

With our IT diplomas, we can train you to become a sysadmin.

Examples of Sysadmin responsibilities include:

  • Installing and configuring software and hardware
  • Manage network servers and technology tools
  • Setting up accounts and workstations
  • Monitor performance and maintain systems according to requirements
  • Troubleshoot issues and outages
  • Ensure security through access controls, backups and firewalls
  • Upgrade systems with new releases and models
  • Develop expertise to train staff on new technologies

Q 04: “How do I become a SysAdmin?”

After completing our IT Level 5 Technical Support Diploma you can continue on with EmployNZ and complete a Level 6 Diploma in Systems Administration

The Level 6 Sysadmin Diploma equips you with knowledge and skills in designing, installing and maintaining a range of Server-Level Infrastructure for small to medium sized businesses. 

After your qualification, most SysAdmins start out in Tech Support positions, but with the extra knowledge they quickly move into SysAdmin roles. 

EmployNZ works with all graduates to support them into IT employment after their course.

Q 05: “What is the difference between an IT Technician and a Sysadmin?”

Traditionally, a “IT Technician” or a “Tech Support” handles a wide range of user issues with software and devices and works within the existing infrastructure. 

Whereas a Sysadmin (or “Systems Administrator”) maintains servers and computing infrastructure resources and can often addon to the existing infrastructure to improve the system as a whole.

In smaller environments “Tech Support” and “System Administration” are commonly combined.

Q 06: “Is studying I.T. worth it?”


The IT industry is exciting and evolving rapidly, your skills are in high demand, your job prospects are excellent, and your training is free for 2 years!

You already enjoy all forms of technology. You are excited by how computers are constantly shaping the world and influencing how we work and live. So why not turn your interest into a career in IT with EmployNZ?

Q 07: “How long does it take to study I.T.?”

The key is to get a solid introduction to the vast IT ecosystem of products and services which includes hardware, software, web, networking, infrastructure, data storage, and security.

Therefore, the first step is our Level 5 New Zealand Diploma in Information Technology – Technical Support, which takes one year.

Next, progress into our Level 6 New Zealand Diploma in Systems Administration, which is one additional year.

Then you can get straight into work.

Any less, and you just don’t get a comprehensive introduction you need.

Q 08: “How much does it cost to study I.T. in New Zealand?”

Did you know it is now free to study IT in New Zealand?

Up until the end of 2020, student fees for studying IT was approximately $9000. At the beginning of 2021, the NZ Government added IT to the “Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund” which means that there are now no fees to study IT in NZ. Hooray!

Q 09: “When I’ve finished studying IT, is it easy to get a job in New Zealand?”


Careers.govt.nz lists the job prospects for IT in New Zealand as excellent.

“The number of information technology (IT) trainees coming through is insufficient to meet demand… There are about 8,000 IT helpdesk/support technicians, according to Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, but this is not enough to meet the demand for their services… the Government is actively encouraging skilled IT helpdesk/support technicians from overseas to work in New Zealand.

Source: Careers.govt.nz

So the time is right for you to take advantage of the shortfall in trainees and get started on your IT training while demand for graduates is so high, and the supply of overseas trainees is so low.

The team here at EmployNZ have relationships with employers all over New Zealand and we can help arrange job interviews once you have graduated with us.

Q 10: “Which education provider should I study I.T. with?

EmployNZ of course!

We are a popular choice for 4 reasons:

1. International certifications

  • The Level 5 programme leads to CompTIA A+ Certification
  • Continue on to the Level 6 programme which leads to Microsoft Certified Professional Certification

2. Small class size

  • Class sizes are capped to maximise your learning
  • We use conversational learning, meaning It is easier for you to ask questions and get answers

3. We are employment focussed

  • Our courses are based on the real world requirements of IT employers
  • We help our graduates prepare for and find work

4. We provide maximum support

  • Our tutors are always available to meet with you personally
  • We help you enrol easily with Studylink advice and support
  • We offer a personalised experience and know our students by name

Find out more about studying IT with EmployNZ

Q 11: “What IT issues did COVID-19 highlight for business owners?”

COVID-19 made it clear for many businesses just how much we rely on IT systems.

It allowed many businesses to continue operations, with staff working from home. Whilst other struggled to make the transition due to a history of under preparedness and lack of investment. It was a wake-up call for many.

Moving employees home spiked demand for the purchase of IT equipment and communication software (such as Zoom for video calling). It also spiked demand for IT support to new highs that have been maintained ever since.

Through this forced experiment, many New Zealand business owners have found the benefits of having a percentage of their workforce mobile / remote in terms of real estate and desk space. But they have recognised that the key to it all working is robust IT that maintains communication and productivity.

On the employee side also, a percentage of these people have found that employers are more willing to accept proposals to work at home all or part of the week. Remote working is now mainstream.

Traditionally paper-based processes were quickly digitised. Meetings were digitised and had additional benefits of bringing commute times down to zero.

Q 12: “COVID-19 aside, why else is IT so important for New Zealand businesses?”

IT is an integral part in the vast majority of businesses worldwide.

IT allows business to communicate better, improve productivity, and free up time to focus on other areas.

Many New Zealand businesses have turned these benefits into serious competitive advantages.

Q 13: “What’s the difference between IT and ICT?”

“IT” is short for “Information Technology”. It is an all-encompassing term that includes hardware, software, network infrastructure, security, data-storage systems and more.

“ICT” is short for “Information Communications Technology”. It has a narrower focus which includes the systems and infrastructure (computers and networks), that manage digital communication.

Q 14: “How do I get started on my IT career?”

The first step is to download our IT information pack and book in for a meeting to tour our Tauranga campus and meet one of our IT tutors.

We look forward to seeing you soon.