Covid-19 Update 21 April

As announced, Alert 3 will commences on the 28th of April and will last for at least 2 weeks with a further announcement on the 11th of May regarding when we may move from Alert Level 3.

For the remainder of Alert Level 4 and for all of Alert Level 3, EmployNZ sites will remain closed to the public as outlined by the government and we will continue to offer our programmes and services remotely.

As you will be aware we are currently on Term Break and we will commence our Term 2 on the 28th of April.

Term 2 will start with Tutors sending out a quick survey to update our information about the devices, access to the internet you have and to get some feedback on how you have found the experience over the last few weeks of last term.

Youth Service, Employment Placement, Training for Work and Whare Reintegration services will continue to operate remotely as they have through Level 4, and our coaches, tutors and mentors will remain available to you online or over the phone as we move to Level 3. Our social services team are working hard to digitise their resources and stay connected with other providers to ensure you have access to all community supports available through this time.

As you know, EmployNZ offers all of our programmes and services in a face to face environment at our delivery sites so this is a huge change for all of us, but a change which is generating a lot of great ideas for how we can deliver our programmes and services.

EmployNZ would like to thank our staff for the huge amount of work they have done to prepare for the activities that they have planned to continue your programmes and support online. We would also like to say thank you to all of our students for the massive efforts that you have all put into participating in new technologies, working through your hard copy learning packs and continuing your learning online, and also to our clients for keeping in contact with our team, adapting quickly to our new methods of processing, and your patience as we work through new ways of doing things ourselves.  We have a lot more activity planned for the coming weeks including getting more hard copy learning packs out once we can access our sites and getting more activities and resources online for everyone during the coming weeks.

Stay safe, stay in your bubble, look out for everyone you are with and reduce the risk of spreading the virus by staying at home wherever possible.