New Courses at EmployNZ – Trades Training, Early Childhood, Cookery & ESOL

EmployNZ is super excited to announce that on July 1st we will be taking over many of the courses previously offered by the Salvation Army Education & Employment in Tauranga and Whakatane, as well as the ESOL courses offered at Waitakere and Royal Oak in Auckland.

This is a huge deal for students who are currently studying with the Salvation Army as they can now complete the same qualification with EmployNZ. It also means EmployNZ will have a much wider range of courses available including Automotive, Construction, Cookery and Early Childhood Education available in the Bay of Plenty area, along with the ESOL courses available in Waitakere and Royal Oak.

These courses align with labour market shortages in the Bay of Plenty, and will be fantastic way for students to gain NCEA or a NZ Certificate in a relevant trades qualification.  Graduates will then receive assistance to move into employment or onto future training pathways.

If you have been redirected to our website from Salvation Army E&E – Welcome!    Click on All Courses above and visit the Pathways Fees Free page for details on courses, or click on the Enquiry Button to be contacted.

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