Meet Deanna – our latest Hospitality student success story

Deanna came to us as a quiet individual. But after being at EmployNZ for just a few short months, her self-confidence and self-worth has grown tremendously. “I was really shy and wouldn’t talk to anyone, but throughout my time here, I’ve become way more confident” she explains.

Deanna started with us in our Careers Unlimited NCEA Level 1 course, and then transitioned on to Careers in Hospitality Level 2 where she earned NCEA Level 2. She believes her personal growth and success are partly because of the positive input and encouragement she receives from her tutors. “The tutors believe in me. They’re always cheering me on” Deanna explains. She also enjoys the great campus vibe and learning environment. “I’ve enjoyed the learning and made heaps of friends!”

Deanna is now ready to start the Café Skills Level 3 course where she will earn a New Zealand Certificate in Food & Beverage Level 3.

Our Hospitality courses are FREE and are open to ages 16 years +

Available at our Tauranga & Rotorua campuses.

Unlike other tertiary providers, you can start ANYTIME. Call us now to enrol or for more info – FREE phone 0800 002 159 or UPSKILL text to 3165.