Hawea Morrison – a true inspiration

For Hawea, being part of the CareerFIT course has meant so much more to him than just getting his NCEA Level 2’s. Hawea’s whole outlook on life has changed for the better, and it’s having a flow-on affect with his family.

Hawea has lost 16kgs since starting the course, and believes it’s all thanks to the physical training and theory he’s learning. “When I first started, I was so unfit. I could barely run & barely do push ups. Now, I can run and I love training. My fitness has improved heaps,” he explains.

Even his family have noticed huge changes in him. “My whānau got worried at first, because I used to be a big eater. Now I eat small portions. I had to explain to them that what they’re eating is unhealthy. I know what’s in food now, and I know what unhealthy food does to my body,” Hawea says. His family are taking note of the positive changes he’s making and are now asking him for tips on food and training. “They’ve asked me to help train them,” he explains.

Hawea looks to his tutors for motivation and support and believes that without their help, he wouldn’t have been able to get to where he is. “The tutors have helped me with my weight loss, fitness and the theory. They’re patient; they break it all down so I understand, he says.”

CareerFIT is a 26-week course available in Tauranga and Rotorua. Open to people ages 16+

Unlike other providers, you can start ANYTIME so contact us TODAY to enrol. FREE phone 0800 002 159 or enquire through our website.