EmployNZ – Category 1

The team at EmployNZ are proud to announce we have been awarded a Category 1 rating by NZQA again!
Students, parents and all stakeholders can therefore be sure of the quality EmployNZ provides across all the programmes we offer in Tauranga, Auckland, Rotorua and Whakatane.

NZQA places the performance of non-university providers, (including institutes of technology and polytechnics, wānanga, private training establishments and government training establishments) in a category from 1 to 4.

The definition of Category 1 is: a Highly Confident judgement for educational performance and a Highly Confident/Confident judgement for self-assessment capability.

Achieving a Category 1 status is also important for international students wanting to study at EmployNZ Tertiary Institute in Tauranga, NZ. Going forward this will attract more international students looking for quality options to the region.

Te Taumata Oranga – We Change Lives