The future is bright for Lily Jones

Lily Jones has thrived at EmployNZ since the day she started. Although school didn’t work out for her, she was determined to get her NCEA. She’s just finished her studies in the Careers Unlimited Level 1 course and now has her sights set on earning NCEA Level 2 in our IT & Computing course. “I’ve learnt life skills. Skills that I’ll use when I go out into the world. And I’ve learnt to communicate better with others” she explains.

Lily believes that her success is due to the support she received in class by her tutor. “I found the learning environment really helpful. I was able to get the one-on-one support I needed.” she says. The team at EmployNZ wish you all the best for your future!

If school didn’t work out for you but you still want to get NCEA, get in touch with us now.

Unlike other tertiary providers, there are no set intake start dates so you can enrol ANYTIME. Open to all ages.

Call TODAY for more info or to enrol. FREE phone 0800 002 159 or FREE text UPSKILL to 3165